Dr. Charlotte Whiteley
Chartered Counselling Psychologist
I run a number of groups in the area of self-compassion, self-acceptance, mindfulness and awareness. The courses are 8 weeks in length. During these courses you will be introduced to different ways of bringing these concepts more fully into your daily life through daily practices, visualisations, meditations, relaxations and various other home-based practices and more.
Benefits of the course:
a deeper sense of connection with yourself
more self-awareness
better self-care
improved way of relating to your thoughts, emotions, sensations and impulses
improved self-confidence
improved relationships
increased sense of appreciation and gratitude for life
reduced stress levels
reduced anxiety
builds resilience for demanding and stressful situations
increased feelings of well-being
supports physical health
supports chronic pain management
improved ability to focus and concentrate
better communication
better decision-making abilities
The courses are well suited for people who experience stress, worry, anxiety or low mood in any aspect of your life.
Practical Information
The courses will take place on a Thursday evening for two hours between 7.30pm-9.30pm. This is an online course and will take place via zoom. The link will be sent to you. The course is supported by weekly emails and handouts to support your practice. You will be provided with guided meditations each week and will therefore need to put some time aside each day to practice the meditations you learn on the course.
Do feel free to email me for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I learn Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is something you will learn by experiencing it. Many people have a misconception about mindfulness that it aims to "clear the mind", when in fact the opposite is true! Mindfulness can enable us to understand and see how busy and frantic our minds can be. Noticing this, in the first instance, can be profound. However, many people give up at this point feeling as though they have in some way failed because they've not been able to clear their minds. On the course you'll be taught plenty of mindfulness and meditation practices, which will enable you to experience the business of your mind and work with it.
How does it work online?
Over the last year the way we deliver training and therapy has been radically transformed. We have found that zoom can offer a huge range of benefits for online courses and mindfulness practice is no exception. The group uses larger group learning, smaller group discussions, some screen sharing and home practice. If you have any difficulties with accessing zoom, please do contact me.
How large are the groups?
We have no more than 16 people in a group. We use smaller group discussions and pair work to ensure that everyone feels like they can speak up, if they choose to.
Do I need to attend every week?
To get the most out of the group, it would be important that you do whatever you can to attend every week. Please discuss with me if you're unable to attend a week.
Will I need any equipment for the group?
You'll need access to a computer, laptop or tablet to connect to zoom for the sessions. You'll also need to be able to download and listen to the pre-recorded meditations. You'll need to ensure you're in a quiet and undisturbed room for the duration of the session and that you have somewhere comfortable to sit and/or lie for the meditations.
Can I do the course if I have a mental health diagnosis?
Yes. The course is inclusive of everyone. The only reason we may need to postpone your attendance to a later course is if it appears that your mental health difficulties may get in the way of you being able to fully engage with the course. This is better discussed on a case by case basis as everyone has different experiences. Please contact me if you are unsure.
Do I need to have had experience of meditating?
No. You can do this course as a complete beginner. You can also do this course if you are familiar with mindfulness and/or other forms of meditation.
Please do contact me if you have any further information.